TrmApplicationEvents | This component allows for designtime
assigning of the standard application events.
Note: It was originally created to correct a VCL bug in the original release version of Delphi5. |
TrmCCTabControl | This and the TrmCCPageControl were
originally apart of the ComCtrls95 component set.
They have enhanced drawing functionality along with some of the original enhanced features of the original component set. |
TrmCCPageControl | This and the TrmCCTabControl were originally
apart of the ComCtrls95 component set.
They have enhanced drawing functionality along with some of the original enhanced features of the original component set. The TrmCCPageControl has the ability to have it's pages ripped off to form floating forms that can then be reattached to the original control when closed. |
TrmEditDrawGrid | This was originally a standard DrawGrid but a friend needed the ability to have an inplace editor in a cell and so I provided this and the TrmEditGrid as possible solutions. |
TrmEditGrid | This was originally a standard StringGrid but a friend needed the ability to have an inplace editor in a cell and so I provided this and the TrmEditDrawGrid as possible solutions. |
TrmLabel | This was one of the first components I
ever wrote. It is basically an exercise in eye candy.
It provides the ability for borders, font textures and gradient shading. |
TrmPanel | This panel has a builtin splitter/sizer
grip built in as well as a sizing button. Either one can be used
separately or in conjunction with each other.
Note: Both of these features only work when the panel has been aligned to an edge. |
TrmPathTreeView | This is treeview was originally based
on the Delphi TTreeview. The addition of the pathing code allows
nodes to be added via a path and indexed via paths very quickly.
Note: On average testing over 10000 nodes were added to the rmPathTreeView in less than 2000ms and all nodes were indexed/accessed via the pathing routines in less than 100ms. |
TrmSpeedButton | This enhanced speedbutton is used through
out the rmControls library.
It has a couple of different drawing styles to allow for dropdown menus and combo boxes. |
TrmSplitter | This was original created to over come a bug in an early version of the Delphi 4 VCL. That bug has sinced been fixed as of Delphi 5 and this is probably a redundant component. I always ment to do more with it but I think I superceded it with the TrmPanel functionality. |
TrmSpinButton | This is an enhanced version of the Delphi Spin Button. It provides some greater flexibility when used for automatic repeats. |
TrmTabSet | This is an updated version of the old Win 3.1 Tabset component to be more resource friendly and to provide the ability for further drawing styles. (ah-la - Windows 2000 style tabset) |
TrmBtnCombo | This component descends from the TrmBtnEdit. It implements an edit control that has an ellipsis button and has a dropdown combo list built in. |
TrmBtnEdit | This was another of my early components.
As such it's probably one of the most worked on components in the library.
It is used as a base control for a number of other rmControls.
It is an edit that has upto two ellipsis buttons. |
TrmCalendar | This is a simple replacement for the M$ common control calendar. |
TrmComboCalendar | This is a combobox that drops down a version of the TrmCalendar. |
TrmComboPathTreeView | This is a combobox that drops down a version of the TrmPathTreeView. |
TrmComboTreeView | This is a combobox that drops down a standard TTreeView. |
TrmFloatSpinEdit | This is a spinedit for editing real numbers. |
TrmSpinCombo | This is a spinedit that has a dropdown list combo built in. |
TrmSpinEdit | This is the base spinedit for most of the spinedit rmControls. |
TrmTimeSpinEdit | This is a spinedit for editing time values (24 and 12 hr time formats) |
TrmCollectionListBox | This is control similar to a listbox but
instead of a string list it uses a collection. Each item can be multi-line
and also can have an
image associated with it. |
TrmDGTree | This is a very specialized type of non-visual
tree. I primarily use it in a spell-checker component/application
that I've written.
Note: I haven't included the spell checker as a demo application, but it will be coming. |
TrmDiffEngine | This is the non-visual difference engine that I developed from some C source I found on the net. It can be hooked up to multiple rmDiffViewers/rmDiffMergeViewers at once. |
TrmDiffMap | This is a simple control that can be placed along side either an rmDiffViewer or rmDiffMergeViewer and can be linked to show where differences are located with in the two sources. |
TrmDiffMergeViewer | This control allows the end user to create a new version of two diff'ed files. |
TrmDiffViewer | This control shows the differences found in two diff'ed files. |
TrmInspector | This is a control similar to that found in Delphi's properties inspector. |
TrmListControl | This control was originally created for the rmDiff viewer controls. It is essentially a listbox control but one that has a couple of extra properties and features. |
TrmKeyBindings | Personally I don't know why Borland didn't come up with something like this. This control allows the end user to customize the short-cut keys assigned in actionlists. The changes can then be saved/loaded at any time. The dialog that the end user sees is very similar to the one found in M$-Word. |
TrmMemoryDataSet | This is a Dataset descendant that can be used just like a regular dataset with on major exception. It doesn't hook up to a Database, a datasource or anything else. You can set up the columns at design time or runtime and the it operates almost exactly like a standard dataset but with out the overhead of having a DB lying around. |
TrmOutlookButtonList | This is similar to the M$ list control that you see in their outlook controls. It supports both the large and small Icon sizes. |
TrmOutlookControl | This is actually very similar to a PageControl is how you use it, but it looks and feels like the control found in M$ Outlook. Hence the name. |
TrmOutlookActionLink | This component allows you to automatically
build rmOutlookButtonLists and adds them to an rmOutlookControl from an
ActionList. Each category in the ActionList becomes a page in the
This component was written by Piotr Jurago of Poland. He sent it back to me and I've included it here. Thanks Piotr! |
TrmBrowseForFolder | This is actually a couple of controls in one. It allows you to display the standard windows dialog for: Browse for folder, Browse for Computers, Browse for Printers and Browser for Files or Folders |
TrmFileDrop | Drop this component on a form and set a couple of properties and you can turn any TWinControl descendant in to a drop zone for files from the shell. |
TrmTrayIcon | This component allows you to place an icon in the windows tray and provide functionality to handle menus and the such. |
TrmBinaryDataStorage | This component allows you to store binary
data as a part of the forms resource. It can also load data directly
from a files.
You can't load data at runtime but you can save the data to disk or stream it out from the component. |
TrmCaptionButtons | This allows you to place buttons on the caption of the form that the component is owned by. |
TrmCheckBox | This is a non-windows implementation of a Checkbox. |
TrmColorComboBox | This is a standard combo box that has been modified to display colors and their associated names. |
TrmColumns | This component is tied to a TListView control and in the details view remembers the columns, their sizes and which on had sorting. It can save the data out and load it back in. Useful for storing and retrieving stuff to registry for multiple views. |
TrmComboBox | This combo box descends from the original Delphi TComboBox, but has extra features like look ahead completion and MRU history. |
TrmCornerGrip | This component is just placed on a form. If there is nothing aligned so as to cover the bottom-right corner of the form then you will see the standard SizeGrip rect on the form at runtime. |
TrmGauge | This is a simple component that can be used to as a measuring gauge. It has multiple drawing styles and can support gradient color filling. |
TrmImageListGlyph | This is a simple control that allows the
user to attach an imagelist and change the displayed image via an imageindex
The difference between this component and the TrmImageListGraphic is that this one also allows you to have a caption attached to the image. |
TrmImageListGraphic | This is a simple control that allows the
user to attach an imagelist and change the displayed image via an imageindex
The difference between this component and the TrmImageListGlyph is that this one has NO caption property. |
TrmMDIBackground | This component allows you to place an image in the MDI Client area of a form or to change it's color. The image can be centered, tiled or stretched. |
TrmNewComboBox | This is my first attempt at doing a non
M$ Win32 based component.
It is similar in behavior and operation to the TrmComboBox but it is NOT a subclassed M$ Comboboxl. |
TrmTaskBar | This is similar to the M$ Windows Taskbar. It is to be used on an applications mainform and it shows all windows attached to the application. It is especially useful in MDI applications and has many useful functions like hiding the minimized MDI Child windows. |
TrmTextDataStorage | This is similar to the TrmBinaryDataStorage, but it is different in that it uses a stringlist. This can be edited at designtime just like any other component that has a Stringlist in it. It can also load data directly from a files. You can't load data at runtime but you can save the data to disk or stream it out from the component. |
TrmTrackBar | This is a replacement for the M$ common control trackbar component. It offers the ability to change the thumb and other customizations. |
TrmTreeNonView | This has to be the most useful component in the entire rmControl library. This is a non-visual treeview with the same pathing functionality as the TrmPathTreeView. The speed increases on this component are almost to amazing to believe, your just going to have to believe me. |
TrmToolWinForm | There is a very annoying bug in the M$
implementation the ToolWin windows style. (ie. bsSizeToolWin and bsToolWindow)
It causes what's know as the ALT-Tab bug where any form with a toolwin style that has focus will not allow the application to change focus to another application via the ALT-Tab key sequence. (Check it out with the Delphi property inspector!!) This form allows you to use a form that looks EXACTLY like a sizeable tool window but doesn't suffer from the ALT-Tab problem. Look under the 'File|New...' menu item and select the rmToolWinForm to get it. |
TrmWordTree | This non-visual component attempts to provide a simple dictionary type word lookup interface. Given a list of words it will veryify words found in it's dictionary or provide a list of similar words found in its dictionary verified by a soundex algorithm. |
StrToChar | Takes a string and attempts to convert it to is character equivalent. (ie. '#65' to 'A') |
CharToStr | Takes a character and converts it to is string equivalent. (ie. 'A' to '#65') |
BoolToStr | Returns the strings 'True' or 'False' for the boolean value given. |
StrToBool | Attempts to return the Boolean value of the given string. |
SizeInt | Takes an integer value and returns the shorted string version. (ie 1024 to '1kb') |
IntInRange | Determines whether an Integer value is within a given range. |
CompInRange | Determines whether a Comp value is within a given range. |
SetInRange | Determines whether a value is with in a given range and sets it to one of the bounds if it isn't. |
GreaterThanInt | Returns the larger of the two integer values. |
LessThanInt | Returns the smaller of the two integer values. |
GreaterThanFloat | Returns the larger of the two real number values. |
LessThanFloat | Returns the smaller of the two real number values. |
RectHeight | Returns the height of the Rect |
RectWidth | Returns the width of the Rect |
RectDiameter | Takes a TRect and returns what the circular diameter of the Rect is. |
GetMediaInfo | Returns information about a drive based on the flags passed into the call. |
GradientFill | Draws a gradient fill on a canvas based upon a start and end color. |
RotateImage | Rotates an image by a specified rotational angle. |
RotateText | Draws text on an canvas specified by a rotational angle. |
ReplaceColors | Takes a simple black and white bitmap and does a two color replacement. |
DrawGrayText | Similar to the DrawText command but draws the text disabled. |
GetFileCRC32 | Calculates a CRC32 value on a given filename. |
GetStrCRC32 | Calculates a CRC32 value on a given string. |
GetStrmCRC32 | Calculates a CRC32 value on a given stream. |
LocalIP | Returns the Local machines IP address if available. |
LocalName | Returns the Local machines Name if available. |
ParseSection | Parses a returns data from a string separated by a specified character. (ie 'One|Two|Three|' the index 2 would return 'Two') |
CountSections | Counts the number of sections in a string separated by a specified character. |
LeadingZero | Pads an integer value with leading zeros to a specified string length. |
PadLeft | Pads a string with leading spaces to a specified string length. |
PadRight | Pads a string with trailing spaces to a specified string length. |
StripString | Strips a string of all characters from a specified character set. |
rmDateTimeToStr | Returns the date time as a string in the format of 'yyyymmddhhnnsszzz' |
MaskStrCmp | Does a string comparison with the * and ? wildcard characters |
SoundEx | Does a simple SoundEx calculation on a given string. |
ReadShortCutFile | Reads a .LNK or .PIF file and returns the details of it in an TShortCutDetails record. |
WriteShortCutFile | Writes a .LNK file from the details given in a TShortCutDetails record. |
GetFileType | Returns the Shell file type string for a given file extension. |
GetFileIcon | Returns the icon for a given file extension. |
GetFileImageIndex | Returns the shell icon image index for a given file extension. |
GetFileImages | Returns the shells imagelist handle for
displaying shell icons.
(Warning: Use this function with caution. Read up on using shared imagelists before using.) |
WinOSVersion | This returns an enumerated type specifying the current operating system. |
Note: There are other bits and pieces of this component set that I could tell you about but I'm not for the sake of yours and my sanityÆs. If you are really interested and have and somewhat advanced knowledge of both Windows and Delphi programming then feel to browse the code.
Because of the various software environments
into which this code may be used,
Good data processing procedure dictates
that any program based on this
Library Status: This code is being released as freeware. I only ask that if you modify the code that you email a copy of the new source back to me.
Contact Details: My name is Ryan Mills, unfortunately I'm currently between home pages. Once I get a stable home page and email address I'll update the contact details here.
If you have source code updates you can email them to my work address, ryan.mills@quest.com.
I can't answer any question regarding the library at that email address, I will only respond if you have sent me source code updates.
History: I originally started this library in 1997 as the meControl library. It wasn't long after this that I found the Delphi Prefix Registry and discovered that the "me" prefix was already spoken for. Since then I have registered the "rm" prefix renamed all of the original components and produced a few new ones.
Acknowledgments: I did not write all of the code found in this library and the code that I didn't write I have been asked to take over and maintain. If you look in the header comments of the units you will find the relevant comments giving credit to the original author.
06-22-2001 |
I finally got my copy of D6! Thus the bug jump
in the version numbers. This release now supports both D5 and D6.
The most changes had to occur in the design-time code. There were
a couple of function deprication issues that I had to IFDEF out but for
the most part this version of the code base is same. You shouldn't
notice any difference.
*****Please Note*****
I have once again had an email address change: ryan.mills@quest.com
- Updated TrmTreeNonView and TrmPathTreeView with some speed enhancements
Added SoundEx, RectHeight,
RectWidth, rmCheckBox,
- Updated the TrmMemoryDataSet. Mea Culpa, I included
an 'in progress' copy of
the control instead of the working copy. Thanks to Graeme D. Keast for finding that one. - Updated the rmNewComboBox. I was again in the progress of changing over the base component of the copy I sent out. Thanks to Peter Giroux for that one. Added rmToolWinForm |
Updated a number of components implementing bug fixes
and enhancements.
Added rmDGTree, rmMemoryDataSet and rmInspector. |
This is the original public release version. |